Property 18 " The Artistic Planetarium " Answers

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There are a few letters hidden in the illustration of the ghost, the ghost holding a flag is the starting point of the 4 digit input command.

By using the Spell of Energization, you can switch the generator on/off.

When the light is off, you can see two columns of stars on the ceiling and their placement matches that of the stars printed on the floor-plan. Some stars have a number on them, connect the numbers by drawing a line. The line will run through the command symbols on the floor-plan, input the corresponding commands by the order of the line hitting the command symbols.


Theater A

The illustration floating in the air looks different when the light is on and off, note the hints on the wall that can only be seen when the light is on. Note every hint.

When the light is on you can find some letters hidden in the illustration. When the light is off you can see that many numbers and their placements are the same as the stars printed on the floor-plan. Connect the numbers by drawing a few lines, the result of the lines will match the hint printed on the upper-right-corner of the floor-plan.

Follow the hint printed on the upper-right-corner of the floor-plan, input the corresponding command from the flag to the bottom.


Theater B

The illustration floating in the air looks different when the light is on and off, note the hints on the wall that can only be seen when the light is on. Note every hint.

When the light is on you can find some letters hidden in the illustration. The ghost holding a flag is the starting point of the 9 digit letter string. Try to use other hints to form a 6 digit command.

When the light is off you can see stars and a few groups of lines, their placement will be the same as the floor-plan, note it.


Storage Room

If you can't find new hints try to turn off the light.

When the light is off, a hint looks similar to another hint in Theater B. The placement of numbers 1-5 and the mysterious symbols are the same.

The letters "N/E/W/S" are for north, east, west and south, below there is a constellation that looks like "4" and is related to the stars in Theater B. Focus on the Theater B floor-plan, rotate the floor-plan to make the "4" like a constellation pointing to the north.

Find the mysterious symbols on the floor-plan, you will see that the corresponding command symbols are right next to them. Input the corresponding command following the numbers 1-5 of the hint in the Storage Room.


The correct answer is...

Spell of Energization「Overload」 QUODS
Spell of Transportation「Theater A」 FLQFF
Spell of Transportation「Theater B」 ONWA
Spell of Transportation「Storage Room」 AMYCKK
Spell of ExorcismEradicate WEENS