Property 15 " Forest Building B15F " Answers

Warning: This article may contain spoilers.

Please scroll down for the answers.


Near The Entrance

This property is like a chess board, the top of the floor-plan has "D/ST/U/NG" and on the left-hand-side you can see "RA/E/LI/O". They have the same use as the board notation.

Explore the property and note the placement of walls, objects, and hints.



Hint for the Spell of Exorcism

Finish the floor-plan by filling in colors for the walls when you explore this property, complete the floor-plan for the maze. Draw out the shortest route from the entrance to the location of the evil spirit.

There are a few types of floor puzzles drawn on the bottom of the floor-plan. Their frame shows their corresponding command, the frame is created by "A/B/G/Y".

The maximum length of the spell is 8 digits. If your spell is too long, try to make it shorter with the hints that you found from the toilets.


The correct answer is...

Spell of TransportationNear The Entrance RAD
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 RAST
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 RAU
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 RANG
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 ED
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 EST
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 EU
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」(BOSS) ENG
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 LID
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 LIST
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 LIU
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 LING
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 OD
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 OST
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 OU
Spell of Transportation「Somewhere...」 ONG
Spell of ExorcismEradicate BUNGY