Property 9 " Pyramid B9F " answers

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Entrance~Deep Part of The Labyrinth

You could see there are seven commands written on the floor-plan, by using them you could move around in this property. 

There are some mini pyramid floating in the air, note the Egyptian Hieroglyphs and its location on the floor-plan.

Also, circle the Egyptian Hieroglyphs you found on the list at the right-hand side of the floor-plan.

Burial Chamber of The King

Use the Egyptian Hieroglyphs list, draw a line from the first Egyptian Hieroglyphs at the Entrance to the last one near the Burial Chamber of The King.

Divide the route into direction arrows from one Egyptian Hieroglyphs to the next one, to form a 6 digits Spell of Exorcism.


The correct answer is、、

Spell of Transportation「Entrance」 AAAA
Spell of Transportation「Turning」 BBBB
Spell of Transportation「Weave Road」 XXXX
Spell of Transportation「Dead End」 YYYY
Spell of Transportation「Central Part」
Spell of Transportation「Deep Part of The Labyrinth」
Spell of Transportation「Burial Chamber of The King」 ↑↓↑
Spell of ExorcismEradicate ↑←↑→↓←